Traffic Calming: Is it Right for Mt.Airy

The issue of traffic safety is of considerable personal interest to me. On November 20, 2020, my wife and I were headed up Colerain Ave. hill when we encountered a young man who had too many drugs in his system. He missed the curve, crossed the centerline, and hit us head on. I stayed conscious, but my wife did not. Two ladies on the sidewalk pried open her door, took her hands, and prayed over her until the EMT’s arrived. We were in the ICU for five days, rehab for a couple of months, and PT for a year. We both had surgeries for multiple broken bones, but will never be as functional as we were. And we’re the third and fourth people in our own group of friends who have had head on collisions on Colerain hill in Mt. Airy. The data shows 172 accidents on that hill in 2022. Read More
Speed Cushions: Why?