To help continue our momentum, we need your help. Becoming a member of CURE is simple and has its benefits. In addition to helping improve the Mt. Airy Community, you will also receive voting rights at our annual meeting, and receive one of two gifts.

Reoccurring Monthly Donations – $10

Supporting Mt. Airy CURE through a monthly, reoccurring basis is the easiest and most effective way to show your long-term support for Mt. Airy. By donating $10 a month (that’s less than a Netflix subscription!) you are continually helping CURE in our day to day duties of improving the Mt. Airy Community.

By clicking on the PayPal link below, you are able to submit a monthly
payment (minimum $10) that automatically comes out of your preferred payment method. You can cancel your donation at any time!

Additionally, you will receive a Mt. Airy CURE T-Shirt! We will contact you
after your donation for size and distribution updates. 

One Time Donation – $25

Your one-time donation of (at least) $25 will help our team continue to
acquire key properties, secure grants to improve the beautification of Mt.
Airy, and create more events that attract people to our community.

Additionally, you will receive a We ❤ Mt. Airy yard sign that you can display all year around! We will contact you for distribution after your donation.


Yard Sign Sample

How to Donate

Did you know that PayPal takes 2.5% of your donation out? If you are able to, please add in an extra dollar or two to your commitment so that we receive the full benefit.

If you prefer, you can also mail a check to:

Mt. Airy CURE
PO Box 24377
Cincinnati OH 45224



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