
Dear Friends of Mt. Airy,
I am a lifelong resident of and quite possibly the only living sixth generation inhabitant of Mt. Airy. My great, great, great grandparents were German immigrants and settled in the small crossroads farming village of Mt. Airy in the 1840s. This long family legacy with our beloved community has contributed to my feeling a strong sense of civic pride and a need to try to help make my neighborhood a better place to live. Upon retirement, I decided to become more actively involved and thereby joined the board of Mt. Airy Community Urban Redevelopment Enterprise (CURE). We at CURE have come to the conclusion that one of the problems needing to be addressed is a lack of community engagement. We therefore decided to start a quarterly digital newsletter called the Mt. Airy CUREator to better communicate with all who share our love of all things Mt. Airy.

We will be working with the Mt. Airy Town Council and Mt. Airy Civic Club to provide information not only about neighborhood issues and projects, but also stories about its people, places and history. The goal of the CUREator is to not only inform, but also educate, entertain and engage. Our first issue will hopefully provide a broad view of what we are seeking to accomplish by focusing on current issues of importance. We also invite you to become active participants in this endeavor. If you have ideas for future articles or would like to become a contributing writer, we would love to have your help. Please email me directly at [email protected]. Lets all work together to make My. Airy a better place to live!

With Kind Regards,
Tom Wurzelbacher

2 Replies to “Greetings from the CUREator Editor!”

  1. Pat Frey says:

    Even though I moved from Mt. Airy almost four years ago, the neighborhood is still close to my heart. I’m happy to see this e-newsletter. I think it will be a great step in getting communications out and keeping folks aware of all the good happening in Mt. Airy.
    I’d like to recommend an article — one on Cindee Walsh and all the work she did to help Mt. Airy. On Sept. 26 the neighborhood lost a tireless volunteer and advocate that will be hard to replace. I’m sure many of your readers will remember her efforts as a Master Gardener, leader of many Clean Up Mt. Airy days, and one whose efforts were recognized while she was still alive by the Cincinnati Parks Board naming the circle drive within Mt. Airy Forest “Cindee Walsh Way.”

  2. Natalie Mangham says:

    Hi Tom.

    Thanks for taking on this task. It’s definitely worthwhile.

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